This is an extension that generates a code snippet for a page template. I use to create page templates in some of my react projects.
Note: pay serious attetion to the requirements section. if you don't have them, then don't bother installing.
After creating a new file, execute the following commands depending on the boiler-plate you wnat.
To generate a parent page with a toolbar use;
command: ppt
To generate a child page use;
command: cpt
to generate a child page with a table component use;
command: cptt
This code-snippet generator doesn't have any requirements to be used. however, to view the page in you broswer make sure your project must have the following:
React package installed (any version)
Breadcrumbs, Button, PageLoadAnimation, GridContainer, GridItem, and CustomToolbar components present.
Tip: For better formatting adjust the Tab Size in your VS-Code Settings to 2 as shown below.