cc |
Generates a class based typescript component. |
ccr |
Same as cc but with redux state and dispatch included. |
ctx |
Generates a react context with some type and a default value. |
redux |
Generates the mapDispatchToProps and StateToProps functions. |
mstp |
Generates a mapStateToProps function in the component. |
mdtp |
Generates a mapDispatchToProps function in the component. |
conn |
Imports the react-redux connect function from the module. |
form |
Generates a form hook state with error and loading included. |
onChange |
Generates an onChange property with the changeHandler impl. |
sfc |
Generates a simple function component with its own type. |
pfc |
Generates a simple function component without props. |
sfcg |
Generates a simple function component which takes a generic as its type. |
sfcs |
Generates a simple function component which also has a loading and error state. |
imr |
Import the React package in the file. |
iml |
Starts the import line of a css file in the view. |
ims |
Starts the import line of a css file in the view. |
sfr |
Generates a simple function component with redux included. |
sfhci |
Generates a function component which inherits props from hook controller. |
sfci |
Generates a function component that inherits state and props from its Controller class. |
sfcv |
Generates a function component that inherits every prop from the parent view. |
reducer |
Generates a reducer with initial state and interfaces. |
dao |
Generates a data access object for an API. |
model |
Generates a model for some API data. |
er |
error={props.error} |
eli |
Imports the error and loading interfaces for react hooks. |
iel |
Adds the error and loading props to the interface. |
el |
Generates an error and a loading state, using react hook. |
inf |
Generates an interface of some type. |
ss |
Generates a setState function. |
ssc |
Generates a setState function with a callback. |
foo |
Generates a named function with a return type. |
efoo |
Generates an exported and named function with a return type. |
egfoo |
Generates an exported and named function with a return type and a generic interface param. |
floor |
Generates a Math.floor() function. |
ust |
Generates a React.useState instance. |
usef |
Generates a React.useEffect instance. |
usefnc |
Generates a React.useEffect instance without comment. |
doc |
Generates a javascript documentation. |
cdm |
Generates a componentDidMount lifecycle method. |
cdu |
Generates a componentDidUpdate lifecycle method. |
deriv |
Generates a static getDerivedStateFromProps method. |
daofoo |
Generates an async function to access an API in the DAO. |
daofoofull |
Generates four DAO functions for each request type (POST/PATCH/GET/DELETE). |
daofoopost |
Generates a POST-type async function in the DAO. |
daofoopatch |
Generates a PATCH-type async function to access an API in the DAO. |
daofoodelete |
Generates a DELETE-type async function to access an API in the DAO. |
daofooget |
Generates a GET-type async function to access an API in the DAO. |
daofoogetone |
Generates a GET-type async function to access an API in the DAO. (This loads one item). |
daofoobatch |
Generates a DAO call by impelmenting Promise.all() and an idList param for batch requests |
mdaofoo |
Generates an modelizing DAO function to load some list. |
cd |
Generats a cloneDeep import of lodash |
map |
Generats a map import of lodash |
uniqarr |
Generats a Set with Array.from to create a unique array. |
uniqarrobj |
Generates a unique array with Set, Array.from() and .flat() that have object elements. |
for |
Generates a for loop with 'of' |
forin |
Generates a for loop with 'in'; |
sfcnie |
Generates a simple function component without import and export in the file. |
pfcnie |
Generates a propless function component without import and export in the file. |
cfoo |
Generate an arrow function in react classes. |
per |
Generate two lines that passes the local error and loading states (from useState). |
_n |
Generate new key-value pair in json files. |
utrans |
Add a line of useTranslation and its {t} function import. |
t_1 |
Add a line of t() function (type 1) [Object brackets {} and string key]. |
t_2 |
Add a line of t() function (type 2) [No object {} brackets and variable as key]. |
t_3 |
Add a line of t() function (type 3) [Object brackets {} and variable as key]. |
t_4 |
Add a line of t() function (type 4) [No object {} brackets and string key]. |
udm |
Generates a useDidMount custom hook from the xa-generics package. |
udmev |
Generates a useDidMount custom hook with window event listener. |
udwt |
Generates a useMountWithTriggers custom hook from the xa-generics package. |
udtc |
Generates a useAfterTriggerChanged custom hook from the xa-generics package. |
ps |
Generates a quick prop interface element for a state setter. |
pss |
Generates a quick prop interface element with setter included. |
prop |
A key-value pair for prop interfaces. |
strprop |
Generates a quick string prop with setter. |
boolprop |
Generates a quick boolean prop with setter. |