AI Auto Comment · An OpenAI-Powered Documentation Extension
Easily generate JSDoc or regular code comments with this OpenAI-driven extension.
Currently supports TypeScript and Javascript.
Quick Setup
Provide your OpenAI key in the settings.
double-check you're cool with the model being "gpt-4-1106-preview" (it's the default). See OpenAI's Site for other values.
If you don't already have an OpenAI key, you'll have to get one from OpenAI. I'm not paying for your key, sorry.
Select some code and right-click, choose the option "AI Auto Comment" to generate a comment above your selection.
How it works:
The model will be prompted with your selection, and will generate a comment based on that. See settings for how to adjust this prompt, and other settings.
It will choose between a JSDoc and a regular comment. If you select a function it'll go with a JSDoc. If you select just some normal code, it'll generate a regular comment.
It will auto-indent the comment/JSDoc so that it makes formatters like Prettier happy.
You can access these by going to your VSCode settings, going to Extensions, and finding "AI Auto Comment". If you're a JSON fan, here's the setting keys:
ai-auto-comment.apiKey - Your OpenAI API key.
ai-auto-comment.prompt - The prompt given to the model. You must use empty curly braces {} to signify the where your code should be inserted inside the prompt.
ai-auto-comment.model - The model to use for your generation. See OpenAI's Site for more options.
ai-auto-comment.maxTokens - The maximum number of tokens to generate. Increase this if you want to generate more text. Decrease this if you want to save more money.
ai-auto-comment.allowSingleLineSelection - Whether to allow single-line selections for generating docs. Usually it's best to give the AI more than one line but enabling this can be useful for small functions.