| Prefix | Code |
| ------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| get-shadow1->5 | 5 types of beautiful box-shadow from getcssscan(get-shadow1, get-shadow2, get-shadow3, get-shadow4, get-shadow5) |
| center-block | Center with display block |
| center-inline | Center with display inline-block |
| flex-center | Center thing with flexbox |
| flex-centerc | Center flexbox column direction |
| flex-image | Using for image when make layout row direction with flexbox |
| flex-col | Flex direction column |
| fabase | Flexbox align-items baseline |
| faend | Flexbox align-items flex-end |
| fastart | Flexbox align-items flex-start |
| facenter | Flexbox align-items: center |
| fjend | Flexbox justify-content flex-end |
| grid-center | Center with css grid |
| abs-center | Center top and left with position absolute |
| abs-centerx | Center left with absolute |
| abs-centery | Center top with absolute |
| abs-full | Position absolute full base on parent |
| fixed-full | Position fixed full |
| abs-top-left | Position absolute top left |
| abs-top-right | Position absolute top right |
| abs-bottom-left | Position absolute bottom left |
| abs-bottom-right | Position absolute bottom left |
| abs-full-width | Position absolute full width |
| abs-full-height | Position absolute full height |
| abs-dropdown | Using when you make dropdown list absolute or dropdown menu when parent have position property |
| text-truncate | Text overflow multiple lines with three dots... |
| text-single | Text overflow single line with threed dots... | |text-style | Useful css for text | |text-gradient | Create text gradient | |flex-layout | Useful when making flexbox layout column | |grid-layout | Another way to making layout fast with css grid | |ohidden | Overflow hidden | |xhidden | Overflow x hidden | |yhidden | Overflow y hidden | |xauto | Overflow x auto | |yauto | Overflow y auto | |uppercase | Text transform to UPPERCASE | |lowercase | Text transform to lowercase | |capitalize | Text transform to Capitalize | |bold | Make text bold | |italic | Make text italic | |@1279 | Media screen and max width 1279px | |@1023 | Media screen and max width 1023px | |@767 | Media screen and max width 767px | |@768 | Media screen and min width 768px | |@1024 | Media screen and min width 1024px | |@1280 | Media screen and min width 1280px | |random-image | Get random image from url of Unsplash, useful when code withsrcof img tag | |css-reset | Some useful css reset code when you start coding css | |scroll-hide | Just hide scrollbar | |input-spin-hide | Hide input spin with input[type="number"] | |input-placeholder| Change input placeholder color | |img-responsive | Responsive image by ratio | |img-cover | Image cover full | |grid-scroll-snap | Apply css scroll snap useful when making simple slider with only css | |@max-w | Media query for max-width | |@min-w | Media query for min-width | |input-style | Default css for input | |button-style | Default css for button | |modal-style | CSS for common modal | |css-hide | Hide element to use transition effect later with css-show | |css-show | Show element when using css-hide before | |linear-gradient | CSS background linear gradient | |@supports | Support rule in css for properties did not support for most browsers | |@keyframes | Keyframes animation | |scrollbar-style | Custom scrollbar style | |square | Create fast square | |rect | Create fast rectangle | |circle | Create fast circle | |wfull | Make width full 100% | |hfull | Make height full 100% | |sfull` | Make width and height full 100% |