Hasura Migrate Task for Azure Pipelines
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Azure DevOps Pipeline Extension to automatically apply migrations, metadata and seeds to hasura.
The extension will first apply all migrations, then all seeds and then metadata.
How to Use
In your pipeline.yml File add as Task:
# Install Hasura CLI
- script: |
npm i -g hasura-cli
displayName: Install NPM Dependencies
# Add Migration Task
- task: hasura-migrate-task@0
displayName: Hasura Migrate
adminSecret: "<admin-secret>" # Required
workingDirectory: "<path-to-config-yaml-directory>" # Optional
endpoint: "https://<name>.hasura.app" # Optional (default: read from config.yaml)
databaseName: "default" # Optional (default: "default")
logLevel: "INFO" # Optional (default: INFO, possible values: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL)
| |