Simple TODO list
A really simple TODO list extension to manage your list of TODOs from a simple markdown file within your code.
Using the extension it is possible to create a TODO file, add items to that file and toggle each item on and off.
Create a TODO file
To create a new TODO file use the Command Pallette(CMD+SHIFT+P
) and search for Simple TODO list: Create file
. Executing this command will create a new
file in the root of the open project. Note that a folder needs to be open for VS Code to be able to create the file.

Create a TODO item
There are two options to create a new TODO item in the TODO file.
Use the Command Pallette and search for Simple TODO list: Add a todo item
Use the shortcut (CTRL+SHIFT+Y)

Toggle a TODO item
There are two options to toggle a TODO item between checked and unchecked states.
Use the Command Pallette and search for Simple TODO list: Toggle a TODO item between checked and unchecked
Use the shortcut (CTRL+SHIFT+T)

Extension Settings
The look of the checked of items can be customized in two ways, using a ~~strikethrough~~ and a background color.
To toggle the strikethrough option on and off, go to the Settings and search for Simple TODO list
and a checkbox will be available to control the strikethrough option. By default the strikethrough option is enabled
: A boolean that indicates if the checked items on the TODO list should have a strikethrough or not.
Background color
An input to control the background color of the checked items in the TODO list. Go to the Settings and search for Simple TODO list
and an input will be available to control the bacgkround color option. The background color value should be provided in a HEX format
. By default the background color is set to #57886C but all valid HEX
colors can be used. If no value is provided, no background color will be applied to checked items.
: A HEX value for the background color of checked items, leave empty if no background color should be used.

Known Issues
- Using other extensions that add highlighting might conflict with this one and create weird behaviour, e.g. Highlight
will not trigger highlight changes correctly, workaround is to toggle between and another open document.
- When changing the settings of the extension in a split view (having the settings and the file open side by side) the highlighting will not change until the is opened again.
Release Notes
- Small refactoring
- Only possible to toggle and add items in
- Update README
- Update extension logo path
Initial release of Simple TODO list