Laravel Artisan Booster
Boost your Laravel Artisan experience with Explorer Context Menu items, CodeLens and keybindings for various artisan commands.
- Run Tests: Explorer Context Menu item to run a all tests in a test file.
- Run Tests: Explorer Context Menu item to run a all tests in a directory with test files.
- Run Test: CodeLens action to run a specific test.
- Run All Tests: CodeLens action to run all tests in a file.
- Seed class: CodeLens action to seed the specific class.
- Run Artisan Seeder: Explorer Context Menu item on seeders directory to run db:seed.
- Table Info: CodeLens action to show table info for migrations.
- Migrate: CodeLens action to run migrations.
- Migrate: Explorer Context Menu item on migrations directory to run migrations.
- Migrate Rollback: CodeLens action to rollback migrations.
- Migrate Rollback: Explorer Context Menu item on migrations directory to rollback migrations.
- Run Command: CodeLens action to run artisan commands without mandatory arguments.
- Show Table Info: CodeLens action to display table information.
- Run schedules: CodeLens action to test scheduled artisan commands.
- Test schedule: CodeLens action to test scheduled artisan commands.
- Run Artisan Test: Keybinding shortcut to run artisan test command.
cmd+shift+t - Run php artisan test
- Install the extension from the VS Code Marketplace.
- Configure your desired settings in the VS Code settings.
In your VS Code settings, you can configure:
- Environment: Select the environment for running artisan commands (default, valet, sail).
- Test Options: Add options for test commands.
- Open a PHP file in the appropriate directory or with the appropriate content.
- Hover over the CodeLens actions and click to execute the corresponding command.
- Use
cmd+shift+t to quickly run php artisan test .
Release Notes
- Initial release with support for various artisan commands and CodeLens actions.
Feel free to open issues or pull requests if you have any improvements or bug fixes.
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