functiondeleter简体中文 | 英文 This plugin is based on dt-python-parser to develop a tool for arbitrarily removing functions or classes in python code. Although there are a lot of excellent plugins to support Python development, it is strange that there is no tool that can delete a function or a class at will. When I started to solve this problem myself, I found that the hardest part was actually how to parse Python. Unlike other languages, Python uses indentation for separation, which makes it particularly difficult and error-prone to use regular expressions to extract functions or class. So I used the dt-python-parser to make an ast for the code, so as to get the full expression of the function or class accurately. In practical work scenarios, there is often a significant need to edit Markdown documents. Consequently, this plugin offers the functionality to delete and cut different levels of headings, as well as to move the current line from the left editor to the right editor when two editors are opened. For the parsing of Markdown, the @textlint/markdown-to-ast npm package is utilized. Since it can only parse sequential structures and only identifies headings as the lines on which they appear, rather than including the subheadings and content, the ts-tree-structure is employed. It first constructs a tree and then calculates the relationships between nodes to determine the scope of the headings' effects. Python 3 syntax is supported. usage
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