VSTS ExtensionNsis build extension for VSTS This extension can be used to build nsis script or to make nsis available for other tasks (as an environment variable). Nsis version used is version 3.03 Usage
There is also an option called "Include additional plugins". If you check this option, the content of the folder nsis/plugins will be copied to the nsis plugin folder and thos plugins will be made available to you nsis script. To test that the task works properly, you can download install.nsi and use it as a test script. PluginsThe nsis/plugins folder contains multiple plugins that were found on nsis web site:
AvailabilityThis extension is publicly available on VSTS Marketplace: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ThomasP.nsis-task It is build in VSTS using VSTS Developer Tools Build Task (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-devlabs.vsts-developer-tools-build-tasks). Here is the status: The build number is automatically incremented on each commit by the VSTS Build task by a pattern like "0.2.$(Build.BuildId)". See https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/build/define/variables#predefined-variables for reference. LicenseThis extension is published under MIT license. See license file. |