This is the extension for Visual Studio Code which allows you to peek at the error anytime you want, going back and forth by just the edge of your 3 fingers cmd+shift+[1/2]
So this extension is created directly for you if you're
Tired of the annoyance of Error Lens that display the stupid error that you already know every time. Sometimes you just wanna chill
Tired of having to use the mouse to hover at the underlined error to be able to see the error
The Problem-Panel (F8) from built-in vscode feature isn't what you really need
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✨ Features & Miscs
Peek the errors/warning/hint/information back and forth with custom easily-noticeable text presence -> Default binded key <cmd+shift+[1/2]>
Jump to the error and automatically have it selected
Colorizing the error text based on the serverity of the error
Having the condition that can greatly indicate if you want to stop seeing the error or not after the custom panel activated