This extension implements a debug adapter for MTA:SA's (Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas) Lua. Note that it doesn't work with plain Lua though.
Step into, Step over, Step out
Variable lists (locals, upvalues, globals)
Resource restarts
Integrated runcode via VSCode's "Debug Console" feature
Stack traces
Debug messages in "Debug Console"
Automatic breakpoint in error line
Planned Features
Variable editing
Fix bugs
Remote server debug
Use resources folder as root folder for VS Code workspace.
When you start debugging, Visual Studio Code asks you to create a new launch configuration based upon a default configuration.
Make then sure you insert a valid serverpath (the path to the server folder withMTA Server.exe).
Add the debug resource to your project by executing the command MTA:RD: Add debug resource to current project (press F1, enter the command and submit). This only works if you opened the root folder of your server resources folder
Create timeout.longtime file in MTA server folder.
Launch the debug test server by pressing F1 in Visual Studio Code and entering MTA:RD: Start MTA Debug Server (the auto-completion will help you). You could also create a key mapping for this command.
Start target resource via !start_debug resourceName
You're ready to start debugging now!
!start resourceName - Start resource
!stop resourceName - Stop resource
!restart resourceName - Restart resource
!refresh resourceName - Refresh resource
!refreshall - Refresh all resources
!start_debug resourceName - Start resource in debug mode