⚠️ This extension is not maintained by Rocketseat, it's made by one of their students.
Please, don't contact them to get help on anything about this extension.
Simple pack of Snippets that I personally use in Rocketseat's bootcamp named Ignite!
🚀 How do install it?
You can install it as an extension.
Just search by "Rocketseat Node Ignite" in VSCode's extension marketplace.
⚙️ Snippets
Creates a simple controller that auto-import your UseCase
It gets your filename and replaces the "Controller" with "UseCase" so pay attention to your filename!
Creates a simple UseCase with dependency injection
It gets your filename to create the Class so pay attention to your filename!
📨 Contact
You can contact me through my e-mail (contato@thalles.me).
If you have any questions or suggestions, you can always open an issue on this repository!