Tempo Time TrackingTempo automatically detects time spent on coding activities and changes made to files in selected git repositories. Log time faster in Jira from suggestions provided in Tempo Timesheets. View your day’s work in Tempo and log time with automated time tracking. FeaturesWhen you save a file in VS Code or commit/checkout in git, the extension will post an event to the Tempo API containing your current branch name, timestamp, and a commit message (only if you are committing) as well as the source of the event which in your case is vscode. A status indicator in the bottom bar in VS Code shows you how much time you have spent on various development tasks. This results in better suggestions for logging time in Tempo Timesheets. For optimal results, the branch you are working on, and/or your commit message, should contain an issue key. RequirementsThis extension can only be used by Jira Cloud and Tempo Timesheets users to log their time. Extension SettingsThe extension will prompt you for all information needed for the setup. If you are working on a git repository, the extension will ask if the repository should be tracked or not. The app stores all extension settings in a configuration file. Most of the settings can be modified manually at any time through the app commands (listed below). If you need information about the status of events sent to the tempo-api, debug can be set to true. If and when the user does not need to see these events anymore, debug can be turned off by setting it back to false. Tracked/untracked repos can be altered at all times. Updating the url should not be necessary. Available commands are:
Known Issues
Release Notes1.0.0