The CrispCode extension is designed to help you format your code in a React project. It provides functionality to format file names, folder names, imports, function names and function call to pascal case . Able to create folder structure for both frontend and backend.It can used to remove comments,console.logs,empty folder and files and the user can get the code explanation as a document.
Format file names and folder names to Pascal case.
Transform imports and function names to Pascal case.
Option to format function usages to Pascal case.
Get the folder structure for frontend and backend.
Clean code by removing empty files and folders,comments and console logs.
Get the knowledge transfer about codes.
Open Visual Studio Code.
Go to the Extensions view (Ctrl + Shift + X).
Click on the three dots in the Extensions view's title bar and select "Install from VSIX..."
Choose the .vsix file for the Code Formatter extension and click "Install."
Press Ctrl + shift + d + Ctrl + shift + o to create KT documentation of Js and Jsx file.
Press Ctrl + shift + f + Ctrl + shift + s to create frontend folder structure .
Press Ctrl + shift + b + Ctrl + shift + s to create backend folder structure with boiler plate code.
Press Ctrl + shift + f + Ctrl + shift + r to remove all empty files and folders.
Press Ctrl + shift + c + Ctrl + shift + r to remove all the comment and console logs.
Extension Settings
There are currently no customizable settings for this extension.