The JVDA is designed to make your life more sustainable with the JeVois vision camera.
Much of the planned extension functionality is not present. This will be finished after the 2020 robotics season is over. Currently, the JVDA can only deploy code to the JeVois camera and create simple JeVois projects.
Created on Windows 10 and is untested for Linux and MacOS
JeVois Projects
JeVois projects are determined by a jevois-project.json in the root of the project.
The deploy_folder is the path from your project root to where your code is stored.
The jevois_drive_letter is what drive letter appears when usbsd is sent to the JeVois camera.
The jevois_serial_port is the serial port to the camera. This will be different depending on your OS and USB configuration
The jevois_baud_rate is the baud rate the camera uses to communicate over the serial port. By default the camera uses 57600. It is not recommended to change this number.
I know this file is incredibly crude and will not play well when developing across multiple computers. This will be fixed later
Deploy your code in a matter of seconds with a single click
Create several JeVois projects and deploy from different projects
No longer question the insanity of the developers behind JeVois
Deploy JeVois Code: Copy code to the JeVois camera
Create JeVois Project: Create a new JeVois project
Note: The extension will automatically send usbsd to the camera if the microSD is not detected. Do not connect to it with a serial terminal while deploying code
Known Issues
jevois-project.json will need to be constantly changed depending on the computer if the project is in a repo. A temporary solution is to add this file to your .gitignore
Release Notes
Added extra information in package.json
Fixed deploy hanging forever
Changed git repo link back to actual repo link. The Github page can be found in homepage in package.json
Previous Versions
Fixed git repo link going to the actual repo link rather than the github page.
Fixed extension not activating when trying to create a new JeVois project
Changed the README to show the actual commands shown in the command palette rather than the command identifier
Added a very budget icon
Initial Release
Added deploy command that easily sends code to a connected JeVois camera. If the camera microSD is not detected, the command attempts to send usbsd to the serial USB port and then deploys if the drive is found.
Added folder selection when deploying so that multiple projects can be open and deployed
Added JeVois project creation that makes the extension work