Salesforce Deployment GeneratorThe Salesforce Deployment Generator simplifies your deployments by compiling all the files that have been recently changed (and the files they depend on) into a folder that can be deployed. InstallationInstall through VS Code extensions or by downloading the .VSIX file from the repository and installing manually. DependenciesThis extension depends on the @salesforce/cli package being installed. The older sfdx-cli package can be used instead but it will eventually be deprecated. This extension also depends on Git being installed on your machine. UsageThis extension comes with two commands that can be executed through the command palette. Generally speaking, they should be executed in the order they are explained: Salesforce: Generate DeploymentThis command creates the deployment folder for you. The command executes as follows:
Salesforce: DeployThis command deploys the files in the deployment directory to the Salesforce instance you are currently pointed to. If you're doing Salesforce development and are using this extension, more than likely you also have the Salesforce Extension Pack which includes a feature to tell you what instance you are pointed to and gives the ability to change it. If you are not using that pack, it is strongly recommended. The command executes as follows:
SettingsThis extension comes with two settings that can be edited either in the UI or the JSON settings file. Deployment Directory NameThis setting indicates what the deployment directory should be called. This value is a string and will be referenced throughout the extension. It is recommended that whatever you call this directory be added to your .gitignore file Note: If you run the generate deployment command, then change the directory name, and then finally try to deploy, you will run into errors. Remove Deployment Directory After DeployThis setting indicates whether the deployment directory generated by the first command should be deleted or not after the deployment command is run. The options are: