Repository Content Analyzer (RepoTxt)
A VS Code extension that helps you analyze and generate comprehensive reports of your repository content.
- Interactive File Tree: Browse your repository structure with an interactive tree view, click to open files
- Selective Analysis: Include or exclude specific files and folders from analysis
- AI-Enhanced Analysis: Generate AI-powered analysis reports
- Report Generation: Generate detailed reports of your repository content
- Real-Time Updates: Automatically updates when files change in your workspace
File Tree and Exclusion
The extension provides a tree view of your repository where you can:
- View all files and folders in your workspace
- Click files to open them in the editor
- Toggle files/folders to include/exclude from analysis
- See excluded items marked with a closed eye icon
Analysis Types
- Regular Analysis: Basic file structure and content analysis
- AI Analysis: Enhanced analysis with intelligent structure interpretation and recommendations (configurable via settings)
Report Generation
Generate comprehensive reports that include:
- Complete folder structure
- File contents
- Analysis based on selected mode
- Excluded items are automatically omitted from reports
Getting Started
- Install the extension
- Open your repository in VS Code
- Access the Repo Analyzer view from the activity bar
- Use the tree view to manage which files to analyze
- Click the "Generate Report" button to create a report
Extension Controls
- Toggle Exclude (eye icon): Include/exclude files from analysis
- Generate Report (notebook icon): Create a new analysis report
- Refresh (refresh icon): Update the file tree view
The extension can be configured through VS Code settings:
Analysis Settings
Auto-Exclude Settings
Git Integration
repotxt.respectGitignore : Automatically exclude files listed in .gitignore
- Default:
- When enabled, reads and respects your repository's .gitignore file
You can modify these settings in VS Code:
- Open Settings (Ctrl/Cmd + ,)
- Search for "Repository Analyzer"
- Adjust settings as needed
- Visual Studio Code version 1.96.0 or higher
- A workspace/folder opened in VS Code
Feel free to submit issues and enhancement requests on the GitHub repository.
This extension is licensed under the MIT License.
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