GitHub App Client For Azure Pipelines
This project delivers a Visual Studio extension for Azure Pipelines to call the GitHub API as a GitHub App (bot). This can be useful if you want to automatically comment on an issue/PR or create a release without it being tidied to someone's personal account.
As an example, as part of a PR, you might spin up a temporary environment to valid the changes and this extension allows you to comment as as "service" rather than a person.
1. Install extension
First things first, you need to install the extension into your Azure DevOps organisation. Click here to begin.
2. Create GitHub App
If you don't already have a GitHub App created, you can learn how to achieve this here. Please ensure it has the permissions required for the tasks/actions you intend to use e.g. Pull Request: Read and Write
to comment on PRs.
To use the app you will need the App Id (an integer value) and a Private Key. The Private Key must be uploaded to Azure Pipeline Libraries which can be done following this guide. The App Id could also be added to a variable group but is not required.
3. Install GitHub App
The app must be installed in either the repo being accessed or the entire organisation which this guide explains.
- task: GitHubAppCreateIssueComment@1
name: CreateComment
privateKey: 'github-app.private-key.pem'
appId: 123456
repo: $(Build.Repository.Name) # format should be `owner/repo`
issueId: 1 # optional (defaults to pr id if available), this can be an issue or a PR
body: > # multiple lines and markdown supported.
### Example Comment
This is a comment made by my **bot** via Azure Pipelines!
Note: this task outputs the ID of the comment (CommentId
) so that it can be deleted later if required. You can see this in action in Delete Comment on an Issue/PR.
- task: GitHubAppDeleteIssueComment@1
condition: ne(CreateComment.CommentId, '') # this skips the step if the comment id could not be found
privateKey: 'github-app.private-key.pem'
appId: 123456
repo: $(Build.Repository.Name) # format should be `owner/repo`
commentId: $(CreateComment.CommentId)
#`CreateComment` comes from the name property of the `GitHubAppCreateIssueComment` task
Create a Release
- task: GitHubAppCreateRelease@1
privateKey: 'github-app.private-key.pem'
appId: 123456
repo: $(Build.Repository.Name) # format should be `owner/repo`
tagName: 'v1.0.0'
targetCommitish: '$(Build.SourceVersion)' # optional
name: 'Example Release' # optional
body: > # optional, multiple lines and markdown supported.
### Example Release
This is a release made by my **bot** via Azure Pipelines!
draft: false # optional
prerelease: false # optional
discussionCategoryName: 'some category name' # optional
generateReleaseNotes: false # optional
assets: ./release-assets # optional, can be a single file or a folder where all root files are uploaded
Note: this task outputs the ID of the release (ReleaseId
REST Request
This task has two options to identify an installation.
- By repo name e.g.
- By installation ID directly e.g.
This allows you perform user/organisation wide requests.
- task: GitHubAppRestRequest@0
privateKey: 'github-app.private-key.pem'
appId: 123456
installationIdentifier: 'repo'
repo: $(Build.Repository.Name) # format should be `owner/repo`
httpMethod: 'GET'
url: '/repos/tdashworth/github-app-ado-extension'
httpHeaders: '{ "content-type": "application/json;" }' # optional, as json
body: '{ "key": "value" }' # optional, as json
- task: GitHubAppRestRequest@0
privateKey: 'github-app.private-key.pem'
appId: 123456
installationIdentifier: 'installationId'
installationId: 654321
httpMethod: 'POST'
url: '/repos/tdashworth/github-app-ado-extension'
httpHeaders: '{ "content-type": "application/json;" }' # optional, as json
body: '{ "key": "value" }' # optional, as json
Note: this task outputs the response data as JSON (ResponseDataAsJson
While the extension only supports the above actions so far, it's fairly trivial to add more. Please raise an issue requesting the action you desire or give it ago yourself and raise a PR!