Système Design Helper est une extension VS Code qui facilite l'implémentation d'architectures et de patterns de conception modernes. Elle permet de générer automatiquement des projets configurés selon les meilleures pratiques et offre des exemples concrets pour intégrer des patterns tels que Singlet
Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.
This extension helps developers implement modern architectures and design patterns efficiently. It generates projects configured according to best practices and provides examples for integrating patterns like Singleton or Observer.
Automatic Project Generation: Quickly scaffold projects with best practice configurations.
Pattern Examples: Offers concrete examples for integrating various design patterns.
User-friendly Interface: Easy to navigate commands and settings.
Tip: Consider adding animations to demonstrate features more effectively!
To use this extension, ensure you have the following installed:
Node.js (version X.X.X or higher)
Visual Studio Code (version X.X.X or higher)
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
systemeDesignHelper.enable: Enable or disable the extension.
systemeDesignHelper.defaultPattern: Set the default design pattern to use when generating projects.
Known Issues
Users may experience issues with older versions of Node.js.
Some patterns may not be fully documented yet.
Release Notes
Initial release with project generation and basic design pattern examples.
Fixed issue #1: Corrected the default settings for pattern examples.
Added features: Improved project scaffolding and additional design patterns.
Working with Markdown
You can author your README using Visual Studio Code. Here are some useful editor keyboard shortcuts:
Split the editor (Cmd+\ on macOS or Ctrl+\ on Windows and Linux)
Toggle preview (Shift+Cmd+V on macOS or Shift+Ctrl+V on Windows and Linux)
Press Ctrl+Space (Windows, Linux, macOS) to see a list of Markdown snippets.