Overview Introducing a first version of a Visual Studio code plugin to bring SystemWeaver closer to developers. Features With this plugin, developers with a minimum of "Read" access right to the database can:
Installation Prerequisites:
Inside VS Code You can clear the Search box at the top of the Extensions view and type in “SystemWeaver” and then click on Install. Alternatively, You can manually install SystemWeaver extension packaged in a .vsix file. Using the Install from VSIX command in the Extensions view command dropdown, or the Extensions: Install from VSIX command in the Command Palette, point to the .vsix file. Usage A SystemWeaver plugin for Visual Studio Code is available and can be of use for in-house extension view developers. It provides basic read-only views of items. This article describes the plugin features.
Configuration No configuration needed Logging in
Searching for an Item To search for an item, enter the SystemWeaver xID for the item or item structure in the Find field. Your search results will display in a tree format. Viewing Overview Information To see an overview of the item information, click on the item in the tree. The Details pane will display the item's Properties, Attributes, and Description. Viewing Item Versions To see a list of all versions of an item, click on the Versions link in the Details pane. Viewing Item References To view an item's references, right click on the item and select Show References. Logging out To log out, click on the Logged in button and click Yes to confirm your logout. License No extra license require, only a valid SystemWeaver account. Changelog