This Visual Studio Code plugin is designed for LiteLog, although it can be applied to any text in the editor.
The highlighting principle is based on regular expression matching.
Command Line
Press CTRL + SHIFT + P to open the VSC command palette.
Enter LiteLog: Highlight Lines by Pattern, then input a string. This string will be used for regular matching, and if a match is found, it will be highlighted.
Enter LiteLog: Highlight Lines by Regex, then input a regular expression. This regex will be used for regular matching, and if a match is found, it will be highlighted.
Enter LiteLog: Clear All Highlights to remove all highlighting.
Right-Click Menu
This menu is only available in .log files.
Highlight String: In the editor, select one or more characters, then right-click and choose LiteLog: Highlight Selected Content.
Highlight Regex: In the editor, right-click and choose LiteLog: Highlight Lines by Regex, which is a shortcut to the command line option.
Clear Highlight: In the editor, right-click and choose LiteLog: Clear All Highlights, which is a shortcut to the command line option.
Change Log Level: In the editor, right-click and choose LiteLog: Toggle Log Level Visibility. This allows you to filter out logs that you do not want to display. For example, by unchecking the [k] option, you can block kernel logs.
Show Filtered Logs: In the editor, right-click and choose LiteLog: Toggle Filtered View. This will create a new tab displaying the filtered (by level) log file.