Codeing Challange Timer
Spice up your conding task with a thrilling challenge.
Set up the timer and try to finish your task in time.. otherwise 🤯
Set up a timed challenge
- Open Command Palet and type
- Set your limit.
- Start the timer from the startusbar
Extension Commands
code-challange-timer.createChallange : Set ups the challange
code-challange-timer.startChallange : Started the challange
code-challange-timer.stopChallange : Stops the challage
code-challange-timer.cancelChallange : Cancels the challange
Extension Settings
code-challange-timer.timeLimits : Predefine your limits.
code-challange-timer.snoozeTime : Sets to snooze time. (Default: 3)
code-challange-timer.snoozeAmount : How often do you want to snooze?
codechallengetimer.snoozeBeforeEnd : When should the snooze alert be displayed? (Defaul: 20 sec before challenge ends.)
codechallengetimer.snoozeDuration : How long you snooze? (Default: 300 sec)
codechallengetimer.allowSnooze : Should you be allowed to snooze? (Default: true)
Change log
- Added a button to stop the timer without removing the challenge from the statusbar when clicked.
- Added a small variety of messages.
- Added more snoozing settings
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