An Azure DevOps extension containing only 1 agentless task 'Notify build status to Bitbucket' which performs an API call to a Bitbucket server to update the build status for the commit being built.
Click this link to go to the source of this task: link.
Invoke a Bitbucket REST API as a part of your pipeline to update the build status for the current git commit being built. This is a server-based (agentless) task and can therefore only be used in an agentless job.
2. How to use
Create a generic service connection in the project settings of your Azure DevOps project. The server url should be your Bitbucket base url and could for example be The task then adds the following path rest/build-status/1.0/commits/<commit-hash> to the configured url to perform the REST API call. Also enter a username and password for the service connection.
In your pipeline, inside a server-based (agentless) job, search the marketplace for the task with name "Notify build status to Bitbucket" and insert it in your pipeline.
Fill in all parameters. In the parameter "Generic service connection", pick the previously created generic service connection.
3. How to contribute
git clone this git repository
execute the command npm install -g tfx-cli
Note: The version of tfx-cli originally used to develop this extension was v0.8.3.
execute the command npm ci in the root folder of this git repository
make your changes
execute the command npx tfx-cli extension create to create a .vsix file
upload the .vsix file to the Azure DevOps Marketplace
test the extension
create a pull request for your changes
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