Flutter Fire CodeFlutter Fire Code is a VSCode extension that streamlines Firebase project configuration for Flutter applications. This extension automates the setup process and helps developers integrate Firebase services seamlessly.Currently it supports androids only Firebase Prerequisites Setup Guide Required System Setup Before configuring your Firebase project, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:
Visit Node.js official website Download the LTS (Long Term Support) version for your operating system Run the installer and follow the installation wizard Verify installation by opening a terminal/command prompt and running:
Should output version 11.x.x
Log into Firebase using CLI:
This will: Open your default web browser Prompt you to select a Google account Ask for permissions to access Firebase Return you to the terminal upon successful authentication Verify login status: firebase projects:list This should display all Firebase projects associated with your account. If getting permission errors: For Windows (Run PowerShell as Administrator):Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSignedName For Mac/Linux:
Login Issues If browser doesn't open automatically:
If already logged in with wrong account:
Setting Up Firebase in Flutter using FlutterFireStep 1: Open Command PalettePress Step 2: Open Firebase ConfigurationIn the input popup, paste the following command Don't forget to add the greater than ( > ) arrow before Firebase Configure and then hit enter