SuperGreatMonokaiThis is a theme meant for VS Code users who love monokai Syntax Highlighting Colors but not the editor colors! Editor colors are based on VSCode's Dark + theme. Adds fish Shell Syntax Highlighting Colors. Adds VimL Syntax Highlighting Colors. Adds Nix Syntax Highlighting Colors. Adds my terminal theme colors:SettingsTo get the full experience goto your settings.json by doing
Screenshot (SuperGreatMonokai):CreditsThis theme incorporates the VSCode Monokai theme @vscode_MonokaiTheme This theme incorporates the VSCode Dark + Editor theme @vscode_Dark+Theme This theme bundles in Fish Shell Syntax Highlighter from @bmalehorn This theme bundles in VimL Syntax Highlighter from @dunstontc This theme bundles in Nix Syntax Highlighter from @nix-community This theme was created by @def-SpaceWar |