srsnip. Steve Richter vscode extension. Version 1.80.3.
new name of this extension: autocoder_connect autocoder_base
Change name of open file in browser command to "print file in browser" or "print via browser".
post install setup instructions
Have you already installed autocoder ibm i server side library and PHP web folder? If not, do so now and the come back here.
after install of srsnip
extension, restart vscode.
The extension prompts for the URL, library and folder names of the IBM i being connected to. Respond to those prompts.
- URL of ibm i to connect to. This is the URL of the ibm i PHP server. example:
- autocoder ifs product folder. autocoder
- autocoder product library. autocoder
- connection current library. Your current library. When the extension submits a compile to the ibm i, the compiled object is placed in the current library.
- connection user library list. Your library list. Used when submitting compile jobs.
Press CTRL + ` to open an integrated terminal prompt.
create folder on PC with same name as the IBM i being connected to.
- a suggestion is to use the system serial number
- mkdir s21fff3v
extension that does the following:
- display message when behind the git repo.
- defines a bunch of snippets. vue, bootstrap, javascript, php, c.
- add command steve reverse word. Quoted literal maker. Enclose entire line in quotes.
- add option to editor context. When right click, select the "context menu - sayEdit" option.
- webview lists the commands and snippets of the extension.
- webview uses webpage runlog to find and edit web pages and sql procedures that are run on the server.
- command findOpenTextDoc_fromUrl finds and edit the web page contained in a URL.
- command sr_makeVueWebPage makes the source code of a vue web page
- command wrkobj webview shows an object explorer webview.
- command wrksql webview. intended to work with sql tables, procedures, views, ... of the target system.
- starting to develop grammar for RPG. For now, grammar is for .abc files.
- web service definition provider. Press F12 on "url" variable name in stmt that assigns path to express web service.
- press F12 on "proc" to find sql procedure source code
- hover over and parse a regular expression.
extension commands
- findOpenTextDoc_fromUrl - prompt for web page URL. Then find the URL file name in the vscode project and open the file as text document in the editor.
- wrksql - work with sql objects of a schema
- blue - steve reverse word. quoted literal builder.
- rock.setConnectSettings - set connection to ibm i settings. autocoder system library, current library, connection library list.
- rock.getConnectSettings - return connection settings by connect name or return the current connection settings.
- rock.openFolderThenFile - opens folder in new instance of vscode. Then opens text file.
- rock.writeServerLog - write message to server log.
- rock.functionTitleer - insert title comment line immed before the function declare text line.
- rock.lineTrimmer - trim blanks from end of selected lines.
- rock.openInBrowser - open the current editor file as source code listing in the browser.
- markdown file is exception. Markdown is converted to HTML and rendered as HTML.
- rock.openLocalHost - open currently active file ( .html, .PHP ) thru localhost in the browser.
command - paste file whose path name is contained in clipboard
The paste from clipboard command reads the full path name of file that is contained in the clipboard. Command then copies that file to the folder of the currently active text editor.
Use this command with the copy selection file
command. That command copies the file path contained in a quoted literal at the current selection of the active text editor to the clipboard.
function title-er command
- position cursor on javascript or typescript text line which declares a function
- press CTRL + F11
- for F1, type "insert title comment line containing function name"
- command inserts a comment line above the function declaration. The comment line contains the function name, centered on the line, with dashes to the left and right.
// ------------------ string_getAllWords ----------------
function string_getAllWords( text:string ) : string[]
- inserts title above function and interface declaration lines
enclose line in quotes command
- f1, then blue enclose entire line in quotes
- command name extension.srEnquoteLine
- press CTRL + K A
- encloses all the text of the current line in quotes
- press CTRL K A again to enclose text of next line in quotes. Then insert + operator to concat quoted text lines together.
extension snippets
vue snippets
- sr vue edit - methods ( editAmt, editNum, editNum_zeroSup), used in vue .js file, that edit numeric value.
- sr vue fa anchor - <a> link that displays as font awesome icon.
- sr vue component filter - vue.js component that prompts for entry of values to filter what is listed from a file.
- sr vue form - html form with v-model
- sr vue list-file - vue.js web page that lists the contents of a table. Use with sr vue filter snippet to get the filter component of the web page.
- sr vue shell html
- sr vue shell js
- sr vue shell list rows
- sr vue popup add - vue popup component. prompt to add something.
- sr vue popup lookup - vue popup component. item lookup.
- sr vue settings - store and recall web page settings to local storage
- sr vue table - html table with v-for
- sr vue shell table - vue shell app. includes filter component, render html table from rows read from web service.
- sr vue instructions - an collapsible div that displays instructions on how to operate the web page.
vue snippets - html
- sr vue alert - v-if conditional display of DIV with bootstrap alert class
vue go to definition
- press F12 on HTML element name of vue component. Extension will open the .js file which contains definition of the vue component.
vue commands
- vueOpenIndexHtml - open the index.html file associated with app.js file
- vueSelectScript - select and then edit script file from list of scripts in the index.html file
javascript language snippets
- sr js prototype - class prototype method shell
- sr js reduce - array.reduce method used to summarize array.
c language snippets
- sr c shell - shell of a c program.
- sr c dirloop - opendir, readdir in loop, closedir.
- sr c getArgs - get command line arguments.
php language snippets
- note: PHP snippets are only listed when the snippet name is typed in the editor within the <?php element tab.
- sr php submit-form - shell of php web page that prompts for user input and submits form to the server.
- sr php table - echo out shell of html table, using array of objects as input.
- sr php db2 insert - insert row into db2 table
css snippets
- sr css media width - set .container width based on min width of the display.
bootstrap snippets
- sr boot shell - bootstrap html shell page.
- sr boot form-group-row - row of elements, where label and input element align vertically.
- sr boot table - bootstrap table.
- sr boot form - bootstrap entry form.
- sr boot form radio inline - inline set of radio buttons.
typescript snippets
- sr ts core functions - core string, scan, ... functions.
typescript extension snippets
- sr ext common - common document, position, range, ... extension functions
- sr ext register - method that registers an extension.
regex hover provider
- hover cursor over string or regex literal. Popup parses regex and displays fragments.
- click link to open regex toolbox web page.
key bindings
- press CTRL + F11 to run function titler command. This command will insert a title comment immediatedly before the function declaration statement.
- CTLR + F12 to run the "open vue.js associated file" command. If editing an app.js file, open the index.html file. If editing index.html, open the app.js file.
Describe specific features of your extension including screenshots of your extension in action. Image paths are relative to this README file.
For example if there is an image subfolder under your extension project workspace:
![feature X](images/feature-x.png)
Tip: Many popular extensions utilize animations. This is an excellent way to show off your extension! We recommend short, focused animations that are easy to follow.
If you have any requirements or dependencies, add a section describing those and how to install and configure them.
Extension Settings
Include if your extension adds any VS Code settings through the contributes.configuration
extension point.
For example:
This extension contributes the following settings:
: enable/disable this extension
: set to blah
to do something
Known Issues
Calling out known issues can help limit users opening duplicate issues against your extension.
Release Notes
Users appreciate release notes as you update your extension.