This visual studio extension will allow you to quickly run Foundry tests and assists you during the process!
🚧 Note 1: the Visual Studio Extension is still in alpha.
🚧 Note 2: The current chosen keyboard shortcut are subject to change before the official release. Users can anyway change them inside their personal settings.
Populate the "Test" tab of Visual Studio Code with all the forge tests organized by Test files and Test Contract
Run the "active" Test Contract from a command or keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+1 (win) or Cmd+Shift+1 (mac)
Run the "active" Test Function from a command or keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+2 (win) or Cmd+Shift+2 (mac)
ℹ️ active means the contract/function where you active cursor is focussed at
[ ] Choose the best keyboard shortcuts to run contract/function tests
[ ] Improve test discovery performance
[ ] Improve test failure error parsing
[ ] Improve forge command output parsing (if possible) when runned from the Test Suite
This extensions will only work on Solidity projects that are based on the Foundry development toolchain.
Extension Settings
Personalize keyboard shortcuts: Open Keyboard Shortcuts -> Forge Test Assistant -> shortcut to run tests matching Contract or Function name
Personalize default test Verbosity level: Open User Settings -> Forge Test Assistant -> Verbosity