Speedscale proxymockSpeedscale proxymock lets you run your app as if it were in a live environment, even when backend services are not available. proxymock records your application's behavior while it runs in the debugger and automatically generates mock servers (and soon tests!) based on the application's behavior. Just run your app normally in Visual Studio Code and proxymock will automatically listen to all the API and database calls coming out of your application (inbound coming soon!). If you want to learn more about how proxymock works, you can find information on the formal docs site Next time you run your app, you will have the option of running a mock server generated by proxymock instead of needing a dev or test environment. You don't need to change your endpoints or database connections, proxymock is a passive listener. You don't need to change your code, this process is automated. This extension is free to use for local development. No strings attached. If you want to deploy any of these mocks or tests in the cloud, you can sign up for a free account here for our enterprise service. proxymock (and the CLI behind it) is made by Speedscale. NOTE: Only Golang is currently supported (but nodejs and Java are in development)
InstallationBuild from SourceRun the following set of commands to build and install from source:
Visual Studio Code Marketplace
Usage (Creating a Mock Server)You can find a full demo app and getting started guide here. Once you're in VS Code with the proxymock extension installed, you can use the following:
Yes, it's actually that easy but we recommend reading the getting started guide anyway to learn the nuances. |