What is SpecStory (Cursor Extension)?SpecStory is an extension for Cursor that enhances your software composer workflow. We help you capture, search and learn from every AI coding journey. ❗️Important NotesNote 1: This extension only works with the Cursor fork of Visual Studio Code and installing it directly from VSC Marketplace will install it into VSC, and not into Cursor. Instead, to install SpecStory into Cursor, click the orange "Install Cursor Extension" button above for a walkthrough from our documentation site. You will:
Note 2: Cursor changed the internal storage of Chats and Composers in Cursor version 0.43.5. Chats and Composers created with version 0.43.5 and earlier cannot be saved or shared with this extension. ✨ What SpecStory does🪄 Your work saves itself, no cloud required!When you install SpecStory it begins its work in the background, tucking away your composer and chat history for your active project in Want to wave your wand differently? You can toggle this on and off in our settings. 🧪 EXPERIMENTAL: Auto generate Cursor rules from your chat historyOne great way to keep Cursor AI on track is to help it learn from every interaction. Let SpecStory automatically create and maintain your You can even customize the structure of your Cursor rules and SpecStory is more than happy to oblige. 🎯 Cherry pick your save worthy momentsFor the delightfully meticulous among us, summon the command palette (CMD/Ctrl-Shift-P) and cast 🌟 Share your brilliant workReady to razzle-dazzle with your creative AI assisted genius? Open the command palette (CMD/Ctrl-Shift-P), invoke 🎮 Your very own control panelBehold the SpecStory control panel! Here you can save and share histories, tweak settings, and keep an eye on your auto-save status. Find it in the left sidebar, or summon it with 🛠️ For DevelopersEnable
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🔒 PrivacySpecStory collects usage data to help improve the product. This can be disabled in the extension by unchecking This setting does not affect web analytics. For more information about what data we collect and how we use it, please see our privacy policy. |