Generate schema and model file in a default location for selected sql text.
Show selected lines and code details in status bar.
Debug current file or project by clicking the editor context menu or in editor title menu.
Show readme document when there has no document opened in workspace, like,, etc.
Refactor function parameters to use object parameter, also support convert unstructured function parameters to object parameters.
Auto sync type name of the function parameter which is named ends with 'Options' when the opened typescript document saved.
Generate enum assertion functions.
Add typescript code refactor panel actions, you can use it to refactor function parameters or generate/update assert enum functions.
Introduce new git enhancement commands: skipWorkTree, noSkipWorkTree, and listFiles.
Add the new commands "Update Model" in context menu and in code action panel to update model file after you modified type declaration 'TDefinitions' in opened file.
Add timestamp conversion and insertion commands and view the timestamp corresponding to the unix timestamp.
Refactor class method parameters to object.
Auto-update imports statements with prefix 'node:' for Node.js built-in modules.
Base64 string encoding/decoding.
Generate type declaration of zod schema.
Sync type member names used in current file when any member of the type is changed.
Add command 'updateTypeMemberNames' to update type member names.
Show timestamp text from selected word or from ranged word.
Add command 'syncChangelog' and associated code actions when the file is opened, which will sync the changelog content with or package.json file.
Add command 'sortEnums' and associated code actions to sort the enum declarations when there only contains enum declarations in the opened file.
Show now timestamp in status bar.
Add configuration for supporting if enable show now timestamp in status bar.
Enhanced pg sql parser for parsing primary key and field type 'smallint' and 'bytea'.
Add encrypt/decrypt text.
Add configuration for encrypted/decrypted text.
Add 'Open Files' functionality for opening files in selected directory.
Add generating API resources functionality for generating api CRUD codes.
Add support convert arrow function parameters when converting function parameter into object structure parameters.
Add countdown timer functionality for showing the remaining time in status bar and update configuration.
Add markdown image diagnostics, including:.
Add upload local image to minio storage functionality.
Add module returnStmtStyleDiagnostic and fix code actions pre-condition.
Add module styleCheck and add a sub module comment for comment style check.
Add class, function, interface and type declarations style diagnostics and code actions.
Add import statement style diagnostics and code actions.
Add log printing completion item enhancement, support print log to the console and update configuration dynamically.