wl:component |
scaffolds the basic component |
wl:singleton-component |
scaffolds the basic component with singleton |
TS |
wl:class-component |
scaffolds the basic class-based component |
JS |
wl:component:get |
gets a component from an object, stored into local variable |
JS |
wl:component:get-member |
gets a component from an object, stored as member |
JS |
wl:component:add |
adds a component to an object, stored into local variable |
JS |
wl:component:add-member |
adds a component to an object, stored as member |
JS |
wl:param:enum |
create component parameter of type enum |
wl:param:from-enum |
create component parameter of type enum, using an exising enum type |
TS |
wl:param:float |
create component parameter of type float |
wl:param:object |
create component parameter of type object |
wl:param:bool |
create component parameter of type bool |
wl:param:material |
create component parameter of type material |
wl:param:mesh |
create component parameter of type mesh |
wl:param:texture |
create component parameter of type texture |
wl:param:animation |
create component parameter of type animation |
wl:param:skin |
create component parameter of type skin |
wl:param:int |
create component parameter of type int |
wl:param:string |
create component parameter of type string |
wl:param:vec2 |
create component parameter of type vector2 |
TS |
wl:param:vec3 |
create component parameter of type vector3 |
TS |
wl:param:vec4 |
create component parameter of type vector4 |
TS |
wl:script-reference |
adds a reference to the deploy folder with the wonderland script for IntelliSense |
JS |
wl:add-object |
adds an object into the scene |
JS |
wl:add-objects |
batch adds objects into the scene and starts a loop to add components for each |
JS |
wl:throw-missing-prop |
Check for missing property and throws error if missing |
TS |
wl:throw-missing-component |
Check for missing component and throws error if missing |
TS |