Some Sass for Visual Studio Code
Some Sass is a language server extension for Visual Studio Code.
It brings improved code suggestions, documentation and code navigation for both SCSS and indented Sass syntaxes.
Some features include:
- Full support for
and @forward
, including aliases, prefixes and hiding.
- Workspace-wide code navigation and refactoring, such as Rename Symbol.
- Rich documentation through SassDoc.
- Language features for
, both when using them and writing them.
- Support for both Sass syntaxes.

User guide
See the user guide to get the most out of Some Sass. There you'll find more about:
- IntelliSense: Code suggestions that understand the Sass module system, and much more.
- Navigation: Go to definition, find all references, and more.
- Hover info: Surface your SassDoc documentation.
- Refactoring: Rename symbols across your whole workspace.
- Diagnostics: See deprecated symbols at a glance.
- Color decorators: Get color previews where you use them.
Recommended settings
These are the recommended settings if you're just getting started.
// Recommended if you don't rely on @import
"somesass.scss.completion.suggestFromUseOnly": true,
"somesass.sass.completion.suggestFromUseOnly": true,
// Optional, if you get suggestions from the current document after namespace.$ (you don't need to type the $ for narrowing down suggestions)
"editor.wordBasedSuggestions": false,
Going all in on Some Sass
If you don't need language features for Less and don't rely on the built-in formatter, we recommend that you:
- turn off the built-in CSS/SCSS/Less language extension in Visual Studio Code
- configure Some Sass to turn on all features for CSS, SCSS and Sass indented
See the Settings reference for instructions on how to do this.
If you have SCSS IntelliSense (mrmlnc.vscode-scss
) installed you should disable or uninstall it.
Visit the release section on GitHub to see what has changed.
Began as SCSS Intellisense by Denis Malinochkin and contributors. Extends the built-in VS Code language services for SCSS.
The logo is owned by the Sass project and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Includes documentation from sass/sass-site (MIT).