Text2Chart is a JavaScript library that creates interactive diagrams from simple text. This extension use Text2Chart library to generate the diagrams when you preview a ".stflow" file.
Syntax: Contents of stflow file should follow predefind syntax specified by text2object library.
Online Application. You may try online application before installing this plugin.
Draw Flow chart from simple text (file saved with ".stflow" extension)
Helps to simplify and understand complex algorithms
Highlight a path in the chart that makes easy to follow a logic.
Hide/Show step detail in the chart
Save chart as image
Highlight reserved keywords
Create a .stflow file
FLOW: Binary Search Algorithm
LOOP searching for target in array
read low (initial index of array)
read high (last index of array)
IF low <= high
THEN calculate mid ((low + high) / 2)
IF array[mid] = target
found target at mid
ELSE_IF array[mid] < target
update low to mid + 1
update high to mid - 1
ERR Target not found
Select "Preview SoloThought Flow Chart" from either context menu or from command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P)