DotNet Core Add
The extension add the correct namespace, calculating the folder's path up to the .csproj file.
Whit this extension you can
- Add new class on existing file
- Add new interface on existing file
- Add new custom template, selected from a custom folder, on existing file
Create new file press F1 and select
CS: Add Class for add new class
CS: Add Interface for add new interface
CS: Add Custom Template for add a custom template.
The engine load the selected file and replace the $namespace$ with calculated namespace and $name with the file name.
Template content example
namespace $namespace$
private class $name$
You must configure the dotNetCoreAdd.templateFolderPath where engine search for the templates
The command grab the file name as the class/interface name
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
dotNetCoreAdd.alwaysCapitalizeFirstLetter : enable/disable the capitalization of first letter
dotNetCoreAdd.templateFolderPath : the templates folder path where Add Custom Template command read for template files
dotNetCoreAdd.useScopedNamespaces : enable/disable the use of scoped namespace feature on csharp 10
Known Issues
The file MUST be saved before use the extension commands
Release Notes
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