Syntax highlighter and support programs for Sharp SBASICThis extension for Visual Studio Code provides the following features:
To use the helper scripts you will need NODE.JS installed. V1.1 - Ported PowerShell scripts to TypeScript 2CR.ts -> 2CR.js Converts a text file to CR line endings ASCIIHEX2DEC.ts -> ASCIIHEX2DEC.js Converts an ASCII encoded HEX file to decimal bin2bldr.ts -> bin2bldr.js PC-1500 BIN file to BASIC loader script concat.ts -> concat.js Concatenates #n binary files detoken15.ts -> detoken15.js Function(s) called by detokenize15. detokenize15.ts / Command line entery to detokenize Sharp PC-1500 BASIC file and add decode headers hdr158.ts - hdr158.js Functions(s) to add CE-158(X) header to file so it be loaded by CE-158(X) reverse.ts -> reverse.js Reverse order of a binary file token15.ts -> token15.js PC-1500 SBASIC Tokenizer script Functions called by tokenize15.js Filename: tokenize15-2.ts / tokenize15-2.js Command line entery to tokenize Sharp PC-1500 BASIC file and add CE-158 header To make it easier to use the helper scripts (*.js) it is reccomended to set up an environment variable to the install folder. On Windows the installation folder is as shown below. On my system I called this variable 'SBAS'. C:\Users<user>.vscode\extensions\soigeneris.sbasic-1.1.0\tsdist For example to change line endings of a text file to CR (when you are in the same folder as the source file): node %SBAS%/2CR.js CRLF.txt ASC Project repository which includes an instructional PDF and example code is here: The source code is based on examples from many sources. |