Snakemake Language Support
Provides basic language support for Snakemake files (Snakefile, *.smk).
Feedback, suggestions, and contributions are very welcome!
This project has been started by Peter Alping, and can be considered a fork of this repository.
- Syntax definitions based on Python, with added Snakemake keywords
- Language rules based on Python
- Snippets
Example taken from Snakemake documentation.
Supported Syntax
Keywords and Functions
- Configurations
- configfile
- include
- localrules
- onerror
- onstart
- onsuccess
- ruleorder
- snakefile
- workdir
- Rules
- checkpoint
- rule
- subworkflow
- Rule Parameters
- benchmark
- conda
- cwl
- group
- input
- log
- message
- output
- params
- priority
- resources
- run
- script
- shadow
- shell
- singularity
- threads
- version
- wildcard_constraints
- wrapper
- Functions
- ancient
- directory
- expand
- pipe
- protected
- temp
- touch
- unpack
- [ ] Indentation rules (really tricky for some reason)
- [ ] Recognize string substitutions:
"command {input}"
- [ ] Recognize wildcard constraints inside string substitutions:
Snakemake Support for other Editors
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