yaml.format.singleQuote: Use single quotes instead of double quotes
yaml.format.bracketSpacing: Print spaces between brackets in objects
yaml.format.proseWrap: Always: wrap prose if it exeeds the print width, Never: never wrap the prose, Preserve: wrap prose as-is
yaml.format.printWidth: Specify the line length that the printer will wrap on
yaml.validate: Enable/disable validation feature
yaml.hover: Enable/disable hover
yaml.completion: Enable/disable autocompletion
yaml.schemas: Helps you associate schemas with files in a glob pattern
yaml.schemaStore.enable: When set to true the YAML language server will pull in all available schemas from JSON Schema Store
yaml.customTags: Array of custom tags that the parser will validate against. It has two ways to be used. Either an item in the array is a custom tag such as "!Ref" and it will automatically map !Ref to scalar or you can specify the type of the object !Ref should be e.g. "!Ref sequence". The type of object can be either scalar (for strings and booleans), sequence (for arrays), mapping (for objects).
[yaml]: VSCode-YAML adds default configuration for all yaml files. More specifically it converts tabs to spaces to ensure valid yaml, sets the tab size, and allows live typing autocompletion. These settings can be modified via the corresponding settings inside the [yaml] section in the settings: