Monden PRO Dark Blue Zen VS Code Color ThemeMonden PRO Dark Blue ZenA Dark Theme that's both good for your eyes and looks great. Designed by a Graphic/Web Design PRO. Table of ContentsAbout The ProjectColor theme (Monden PRO Dark Blue Zen) for VS Code is just the first in a collection-to-be of eye-washing, polished VS Code color themes. Currently I'm converting 9 Sublime Text color themes which complete the collection and you can follow the progress. Features:Monden PRO Dark Blue Zen theme strikes the center of beautiful colors and eye-care, creating a perfect dark theme for your next 20.000 hours in front of the screen.
ScreenshotsNOTE: These are Sublime Text screenshots. The VS Code theme is still being finalized, it's a chore to match every color, so I'll create screenshots when the colors are set. JS - Dark PRO Blue X-DeepCSS - Dark PRO Blue ZenPHP - Dark PRO Blue X-DeepHTML - Dark PRO Blue X-DeepLicenseDistributed under the MIT License. See ContactProject Link: |