Visually highlights the current indent depth.
This extension can be used by itself, but it's recommended to use it alongside the built-in indent guides (setting editor.renderIndentGuides). These show thin grey lines on every indent, while this extension highlights the indent on the indent depth the cursor is currently on.
Changes in Visual Studio Code 1.23.0:
With Version 1.23.0 VS Code introduced a new built-in active indent guide. For an explanation of differences and tips regarding the new feature and this extension please see remarks section
Example using default settings |
Feature Highlights
Peeking around the current indent block: Optionally a hover can be added on the current indent marker to peek before and/or after the current indent block.
To activate set indenticator.showHover to true
Example has indenticator.hover.peekBack & indenticator.hover.peekForward set to 1 and indenticator.hover.highlight set to true |
Example has indenticator.hover.peekBack & indenticator.hover.peekForward set to 1 and indenticator.hover.highlight set to false |
Highlighting the the indent guide for the contained block: Optionally a second indent guide can be configured to show the block contained by the current cursor position
To activate set indenticator.inner.showIndentGuide to true
Example has indenticator.inner.showIndentGuide set to true and indenticator.inner.color.dark set to #ff000 |
Language specific settings: The extension can be configured for each language separately to accommondate the requirements of different coding styles.
"indenticator.languageSpecific": {
"[json, jsonc]": {
"[xml, html, xhtml]": {
Highlight Styling: All indent highlighting can be styled individually by defining color, width and border style.
Settings and defaults
/********** Standard Indent Highlight Config **********/
/* Whether to highlight the indent of the block enclosing the current line */
"indenticator.showIndentGuide": true
/* Color of the indent marker for dark themes */
"indenticator.color.dark": "#888",
/* Color of the indent marker for light themes */
"indenticator.color.light": "#999",
/* Width of the indent marker in pixels */
"indenticator.width": 1,
/* Line style of the indent marker (e.g. "inset", "dashed", "dotted", ...) */
"indenticator.style": "inset",
/* Whether to display the hover near the indent line */
"indenticator.showHover": false,
/* Wether to highlight the contained code block when hovering the indent line. If activated, the peeked content will be shown at top or bottom of the block, otherwise it will be shown at cursor position.*/
"indenticator.hover.highlight": true,
/* Lines before the current indent to be shown on hover */
"indenticator.hover.peekBack": 1,
/* Lines after the current indent to be shown on hover */
"indenticator.hover.peekForward": 0,
/* Remove lines from the hover at the beginning and end that have less characters than this */
"indenticator.hover.trimLinesShorterThan": 2,
/* Block placeholder to be written between peeked lines */
"indenticator.hover.peekBlockPlaceholder": "...",
/********** Inner Indent Highlight Config **********/
/* Whether to highlight the indent of the block enclosed by the current line */
"indenticator.inner.showHighlight": false
/* Color of the indent marker for dark themes */
"indenticator.inner.color.dark": "#888",
/* Color of the indent marker for light themes */
"indenticator.inner.color.light": "#999",
/* Width of the indent marker in pixels */
"indenticator.inner.width": 1,
/* Line style of the indent marker (e.g. "inset", "dashed", "dotted", ...) */
"indenticator.inner.style": "inset",
/* Whether to display the hover near the inner indent line */
"indenticator.inner.showHover": false,
/* Wether to highlight the contained code block when hovering the indent line. If activated, the peeked content will be shown at top or bottom of the block, otherwise it will be shown at cursor position.*/
"indenticator.inner.hover.highlight": true,
/* Lines before the current inner indent to be shown on hover */
"indenticator.inner.hover.peekBack": 1,
/* Lines after the current inner indent to be shown on hover */
"indenticator.inner.hover.peekForward": 0,
/* Remove lines from the inner indent hover at the beginning and end that have less characters than this */
"indenticator.inner.hover.trimLinesShorterThan": 2,
/* Block placeholder to be written between peeked lines */
"indenticator.inner.hover.peekBlockPlaceholder": "...",
/* Whether to display the current indent depth on the statusbar */
/********** Further Configurations **********/
"indenticator.showCurrentDepthInStatusBar": true,
/* A construct with language identifiers as properties containing a subset of indenticator options to be applied for that language */
"indenticator.languageSpecific": {}
New Built-in active indent guide (VS Code 1.23.0)
The built-in active indent guide always highlights the highest indent on the currently selected line, while this extensions highlights the indent depth the cursor is currently at. The difference can be seen in the following image:
yellow is the new built-in active indent guide red is the inner active indent guide of this extension grey is the default active indent guide of this extension |
The built-in active indent guide can be configured through the setting: editor.highlightActiveIndentGuide
indenticator.languageSpecific: The language identifiers can be viewed by using VS Codes language selection in the statusbar. To be analogous to language specific editor options of VS Code the key has to be put between square brackets. But to simplify configuration of similar languages multiple keys can be listed within the square brackets as a comma seperated list.
Any setting for indenticator that can be set normally, can also be set for the language specific configuration. If any setting is not set for the specific language the overall configuration will be used.
"indenticator.languageSpecific": {
"[json, jsonc]": {
"indenticator.showHover": true,
"indenticator.hover.peekBack": 1