HELP IN ENGLISH(Remember in all prefixes you can use TAB to move the cursor between the code options)To see all prefixes possibles and with help in your respective language:type it: help to see the help and prefixes in english digite: ajuda to see the help and prefixes in portuguese escribelo: ayuda to see the help and prefixes in spanish miscellaneous redm commandsevent, thread, dffor, dump, fxmanifest after typed prefix fxmanifest you can press TAB to move cursor among the options of the fx manifest prefix for Get playerredemgetPlayer (remember you need use direct prefix for example user.kick into redemgetPlayer)prefix for Get roleplayerredemrpgetRoleplayer (remember you need use direct prefix for example user.getJob into redemrpGetRoleplayer)prefix of redemrp_notificationredemrp.notification Prefix to see a list of all class player optionsuser.p Prefix to see a list of all class roleplayer optionsuser.rp (You can use TAB to move the cursor between the code without having to select) direct PLAYER classes prefixes(used into prefix redemgetPlayer)
direct ROLEPLAYER classes prefixes(used into prefix redemrpgetRoleplayer)
redemrp_notifcation prefixesredemrp.notifcation remember pressing TAB you can move cursor into options of this code redemrp_inventory prefixesIf you want to delete, add or check item amount you need put your code inside prefix redemrp_inventory.getData (server-side) usually people put it on top of the server-side script
redemrp_inventory prefixes used in config.lua
redemrp_inventory prefixe used to register usable item (server-side-event)
redemrp_inventory item data prefixes
redemrp_inventory craft prefixes
redemrp_menu_base prefixes
redemrp_progressbars prefixes. progressbar If you have feedback, need help or you like put a help prefix in your language send me direct message in discord:Shruog#2358 |