JSONForms Remote web-previewThis extension allows the previewing of JSON Schemas in a WebView panel using your own rendering URL. Allowing you to see how your JSON Forms UIs will look in your own application, using your own styles and custom renderers. There is some configuration required to use this extension. It is also required that you configure a rendering site to the specifications defined in this README to enable the extension to work. Configuring your rendering siteThis extension works by loading a WebView panel that connects to a configured URL, the extension will then send the Schema, UISchema, and any persisted data to the page that has been loaded. It is the responsibility of the page at the URL to consume this data and render the form as you see fit. You may use JSONForms in any way you see fit on your rendering page. The data will be supplied to you using the pattern described below.
An example Vue.js implementation of this pattern can be found in the Extension SettingsThere is one configuration option. This can be defined in
| id | description | type | default | example |