shieldlang READMEFeaturesSyntax Highlighting for Shield Lang: -Comprehensive syntax highlighting for Shield Lang, including keywords, variables, constants, operators, strings, and comments. -Distinguish between different code elements for better readability and easier navigation. Improved Code Navigation: -Quickly identify function definitions, variable declarations, and other key code structures with clear visual cues. -Navigate large codebases with ease using consistent and intuitive color schemes. Code Folding and Bracket Matching: -Supports code folding to collapse and expand sections of your Shield Lang code for a cleaner and more organized workspace. -Automatically matches brackets and braces, making it easier to manage nested code blocks. Enhanced Commenting Support: -Proper highlighting for both single-line (//) and block (/_ ... _/) comments. -Comments are visually distinct, aiding in code documentation and review processes. Lightweight and Fast: -Designed to be lightweight with minimal impact on performance, allowing for smooth and responsive coding sessions even in large projects. Cross-Version Compatibility: -Compatible with a wide range of VS Code versions, ensuring that you can use it regardless of your development environment. Release Notes1.0.0Initial release of shieldLang base language support. |