PhxBuild is a plugin of vscode, used to easily build 🐦🔥 SCT projects.
Show all the Build files and batch files.
Provide 3 main functions:
Build : build selected project with options(def, debug, quick, log) directly.
Clean : clean selected project with options(debug, log) directly.
Edit Argv : build selected project with options(def, debug, quick, log) and wait user to proceed.
Provide 4 build options:
def : build def files.
quick : quick build.
debug : debug build.
log : save build log as 'BuildLog.txt'.
Provide shortcut build and module build.
shortcut : right click the {YouWantToBuild}.inf under code tree and click the 🐦🔥 ShortCut Build .
modulebuild : right click the {YouWantToBuild}.inf under code tree and click the 🐦🔥 Module Build .
- Right click on the INF file in Context Menu.
- (media/build.png)
Provide Script capabilities. The enabled scripts would be executed after Build function finished.
Open 🐦🔥 SCT projects. The Folder must contains SCT structure.
Known Issues
A lot.
Release Notes
For basic usage.
Initial release of PhxBuild.
- Open Project.def and Project.mak file by right click.
- The syntax colorizer for the DEF files.
- Add
F7 hotkey for sending previous command again.
- Fix some bugs.
- Add
CTRL + F7 hotkey for sending run command.
- Add some information messages.
- Provide automatic scripts execution function.
These will be executed after the PhMake command completes.
- Changes some text colors in DEF files.
- Add logo.
- Adds enablement for Script.
- Fix some bugs.
- Fix some bugs for Script.
- Fix some bugs.
- Using Task instead of sending text to terminal directly.
- Add shortcut and module build buttons under Editor title and Editor context.
- Right-click on the editor(*.c, *.h, *.inf files) title or content.
- Example 1 :
- Example 2 :
- Force Task using powershell.exe as main terminal.
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