Integrated Inline Color Picker for Visual Studio. This tool will very useful if you are working as a Web Developer or UI designer, who mainly uses Visual Studio for the day to day assignments. This tool provides a color tool window, color visualization in editor.
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Click here to get for Visual Studio 2017 & 2019

This tool offers the below options,
- Highlight colors in Visual Studio Code Editor (".css”, “.scss”, “.less”, “.asp”, “.aspx”, “.htm”, “.html”, “.cshtml”, “.vbhtml”, “.xaml” are enabled by default), You can enable more extensions using Tools->Options->Color Picker
- Highlight colors in Visual Studio Document Editor, Choose between Underline or a Color Box from Tools->Options->Color Picker
- N number of color formats are supported
- Edit color using a click and convert to any format
- Insert colors to any active text document (if any text is selected it will replace while inserting) (Use the button or DblClick on TextBoxes in Canvas)
- Color Selection can be Saved
- Color Selection from Color Canvas
- Color Selection from Available Colors
- Color Selection from Standard Colors
- Color Selection from Saved Colors
- Color Selection from Web Colors
- Color Selection using Eyedropper
- Copy\Paste Color codes (Name, #HEX, #HexShort, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla, hsb\hsv, hwb, cmyk)
- Selected colors Tints & Shades
Tools->Options->Color Picker

Color Highlighting

Color Highlighting with Rectangle Option


CS File


This tool works with below Visual Studio versions (Visual Studio Theme supported),
Color Picker can be accessed via Tools->Color Picker. (will open a Dockable Window)

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