CC65 Plugin For Compiling and Linking C & Assembly
This Visual Studio Code extension allows you to interact with CC65 for 6502/65816 machines.
The extension offers syntax highlighting and some commands to build an executable program from the assembler source code.
- "CC65: Build Directly" will compile the files under the src folder of the workspace.
- "CC65: Build with Make" will execute Make in the workspace root.
- "CC65: Run Emulator Directly" will runt the currently compiled app in the root of the workspace.
- "CC65: Run with Make" will execute Make using the "test" target.
You need to have CC65 already installed on your machine.
You will want to have an emulator installed.
Extension Settings
You will need to set the path to the CC65 package, for example:
Root location of the CC65 binaries
"ca65.cc65": "C:\\dev\\C64\\cc65\\bin"
You will need to set any options for cl65, for example:
Location of custom config file
"ca65.cl65.config": "src/vic20.cfg"
You will need to set the machine target to build with, for example:
Target machine to use for compilation and linking
"": "vic20",
You will need to set the path to your emulator and other settings, for example:
"ca65.emulatorPath": "c:\\WinVice-3.1\\xvic.exe",
"ca65.emulatorPrelaunch": "-c ./prelaunch.ps1",
"ca65.emulatorOptions": "-memory 8k -autostart test.d64"
You MUST set your environment options, for example:
"ca65.vscodeenv": "windows", // May be windows, linux, or mac
"ca65.testenv": "windows", // May be windows, linux, or mac
"ca65.buildenv": "linux" // May be windows, linux or mac
You must put your project in a VS Code workspace. This workspace must have the following layout:
- Makefile (optional - required to build/run with Make)
- monitor.cmds (optional - useful for VICE)
- prelaunch.ps1 (optional - script to execute before running emulator for Windows)
- (optional - srcipt to execute before running emulator for Mac/Linux)
- src/ (must have one file of at least one of these types to compile)
- *.c
- *.s
- *.asm
- *.inc
- *.h
- *.mac
- res/ (optional - non-compilable resource files)
- tools/ (optional - outside tools that may be used in configurable events)
Known Issues
None yet.
Release Notes
Initial release.