A.I.D.A adds ids automatically in a glimpse so you can keep an eye on for the leaking gas.
This also helps you generate code snippets without busticating anything literally in a press of a button.
Wait, do I have to pay for the button?
- Search for Asset Ids. (Let You Know How Many You Need.)
- Add Asset Ids.
- Search Widget Ids. (Let You Know How Many You Need.)
- Add Widget Ids for ae.
- Add Widget Ids for sa.
- Generates Code Templates.
- Saves your time.
- Keep an up-to-date VS Code.
- 1.63.0 Latest. (^1.51.0).
Commands Chords
Command+k Command+s - Search for Asset Ids.
Command+k Command+a - Add Asset Ids.
Command+k Command+w - Search Widget Ids.
Command+k Command+e - Add Widget Ids for ae.
Command+k Command+z - Add Widget Ids for sa.
Type !yaml in an editor - Generates The Code Snippet Of Your Choice.
Code Snippet Generating
Prefix - !yaml.
You can use the extension on any editor, new or a already working editor.
Searching For AIDs
Command+k Command+s - Search for Asset Ids.
Add AIDs
Command+k Command+a - Add Asset Ids.
Rename Id: to Idz
- Only For SA or AE.
Example: ae - widgetId: | sa - widgetIdz
- Before searching, have one section's WIDs renamed to widgetIdz
Searching For WIDs
Command+k Command+w - Search Widget Ids.
Add WIDs - 1st & 2nd Sections (ae & sa)
Command+k Command+e - Add Widget Ids for ae/sa.
Command+k Command+z - Add Widget Ids for sa/ae.
Release Notes
- Removed A Bug On Code Snippets - 06.01.22 - 1.0.7 - 1.0.9
- Removed Reported & Found Bugs On Code Snippets - 05.01.22 - 1.0.5 - 1.0.7
- Added Tutes/'How-To's to Readme (This) under 'Features' - 05.01.22 - 1.0.5 - 1.0.7
- Improved Readme (This) - 05.01.22 - 1.0.5 - 1.0.7
- Added compatibility from version 1.51.0 to above. - 04.01.22 - 1.0.3
- Fixed an issue where generated body frame missing a "}" and had ")" on the first line. - 03.01.22 - 1.0.2
- Added HPLPs. - 03.01.22 - 1.0.2
- Improved Readme (This). - 03.01.22 - 1.0.2
- Basic stuff for basic operations. Initial release - 03.01.22 - 1.0.0
1.0.7 - 1.0.9
Updates To Code Snippets.
1.0.5 - 1.0.7
Updates To Code Snippets & Improved Readme.
Minor Update.
Compatibility Fix.
Minor Fixes & Updates For Snippets.
Minor Update.
Initial release of AIDA/Aider - BETA