powerbasetablegenerator READMEA new ORM tool called PowerBase was developed in 2023. Motivation and PurposeIn this ORM structure, we represent the tables on the database thanks to the TableBase class. Each property of the TableGeneric structures derived from this TableBase represents the columns of the table. I wanted to write an extension to generate POJOs of these classes. For both learning and having fun :) Extension UsageYou can use the following steps for usage. First of all, you need to create a json like below. In this json; className: represents the name of the class derived from the TableBase you created. tableName: Represents the name of the table defined in the database. fields: Represents the columns of the table. Here you need to specify the names and their types for each column. In this way, you can see the getter setter methods that will be created in POJO. filePath: All you have to do is provide the file path to where you want the created POJO to be saved. If there is no file path, it creates the file path itself. { "className": "TableExample", "tableName": "t_setting_example", "fields": { "name": "string", "application": "string", "url": "string", "timeout": "integer", "number": "object" }, "filePath": "C:/Users/GLB90084442/Documents/extentionpath" } As a result, it creates a Java class as follows. public class TableExample extends TableBase {
} |