bb-code-snippets README
README for extension "bb-code-snippets".
Be the part of T3UA Team of 1WorldSync Organization.
Snippet Prefixes
This snippets contributes the following prefixes:
MatchValueWithUnit : Creates new match method
gCNotebook : Creates 'getCapacity' method for Notebooks
gCDesktop : Creates 'getCapacity' method for Desktop
DictValues : Create dictionary Expression for MSHProject
locale : Create Locale Expression for MSHProject
prodList : Create List
switchMetric : Create switch construct for some unit value
color : Creates universal color expression
ExtnmbrsMax : Adds .ExtractNumbers Max construction
ExtnmbrsMin : Adds .ExtractNumbers Min construction
ExtnmbrsSum : Adds .ExtractNumbers Sum construction
ExtnmbrsFirst : Adds .ExtractNumbers First construction
ExtnmbrsLast : Adds .ExtractNumbers Last construction
Contains : Adds .Contains("") method
HasValue : Adds .HasValue("") method
Split : Adds .Split("") method
Flatten : Adds .Flatten("") method
Dist : Adds .Distinct() method
DistFlatten : Adds .Distinct().Flatten("") construction
Coalesce : Add Coalesce() construction
resListAdd : Adds construction that outputs list
getDataList : Adds construction to get all Values from attribute list
ToUpperFirstChar : Adds .ToUpperFirstChar() method
ToTitle : Adds .ToTitleCase() method
ToLower : Adds .ToLower() method
TrimEnd : Adds .TrimEnd("") method
RegexReplace : Adds .RegexReplace("", "") method
getContentLength : Check if anything was been added
FirstValueOrDefault : Adds .FirstValueOrDefault("") method
FirstUnit : Adds .FirstUnit("") method
FirstValueUSM : Adds .FirstValueUsm() method
FirstUnitUSM : Adds .FirstUnitUsm() method
Replace : Adds .Replace("", "") method
CoalesceWhere : Adds .Coalesce() with where construction
Round : Adds Math.Round() construction
DigitalContent : Get all lines from Digital Content info
Literal : Adds Literal main construction
varAttribute : Adds new variable from attribute
addYesOptional : Adds "Yes" on output Optional:ListYES:NO
addYesNoRequired : Adds "Yes" or "No" on output Required:ListYES:NO
addYesListOptional : Adds "Yes" from product List on output Optional:ListYES:NO
addYesListRequired : Adds "Yes" or "No" from product List on output Required:ListYES:NO
getAllDataFromList : Creates an expression: Get all data from attribute list
A : Create A[] construction
rList : Create result list of strings
matchStructure : Create basic structure for match
PremContent : Create structure for premium content
Coalesce : Create Coalesce() method
Known Issues
Not all methods add for this time :(
Release Notes
New features coming soon...
Add some basic structures (as PremContent etc,).
Fix some basic methods (i.e .FirstValueOrDefault() as for now does not create quotes).
Add full readme.
Released first version.
Working with Markdown
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Cmd+\ on macOS or Ctrl+\ on Windows and Linux)
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Shift+CMD+V on macOS or Shift+Ctrl+V on Windows and Linux)
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Ctrl+Space (Windows, Linux) or Cmd+Space (macOS) to see a list of Markdown snippets
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