b-language-extension READMECompiler support for B via ProB. You don't need your own version of ProB. This plugin comes with one packed. You can, however, provide your own ProB command-line version (aka probcli), but be cautious; this can lead to unexpected and untested behavior. In order to change the probcli version you need to make the change in the settings and restart the extension (open and close vscode). FeaturesRequirements
Extension SettingsThis extension contributes the following settings:
ServerThe language server can be found here https://github.com/hhu-stups/b-language-extension. Installation on VSCodiumYou can also install the plugin in VSCodium by downloading the artefact (b-language-extension-<VERSION>.vsix) and typing codium --install-extension b-language-extension-<VERSION>.vsix Future plans
Release Notes2.2.0