Secuoyas CodeDark theme designed with care for better coding and improved developer experience, using Secuoya's color palette. This theme is optimized for Front End development, and has been optimized to have a uniied experience with html, css, js, md, json, and react files.
Installation instructionsTheme downloaded form the VSC Marketplace
Yo can access the Theme with the Color Theme Picker
Mac Shortcut: Github RepoOption 1
From the Terminal:
Option 2Copy the generated package directory into the VS Code extensions directory. To copy the theme:
Option 1 is preferred as you wold be able to get the updates with a The generated theme package should be in the list of installed extensions, and "Secuoyas code" will be available in the list of themes. Bonus - iTerm2 ColorSetSecuoyas-code theme adds a bautiful color theme to your terminal window. If you are using iTerm and want to pair those enviroments with the right ANSI colors, just load this file in iTerm2::Preferences>Profles>Colors>Color Presets... LicenseThe following licensing applies to City Lights Syntax Theme: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). For more information go to Secuoyas Code theme is loosely based on the VS Code template for themer and citylights by yummygum |